how to check what bit is your computer

I made utilize of my first and second computer for one year without knowing what bit is installed in it, and it affected me in unlike ways. In today'southward topic, we will exist looking at what bit is, and how to know what bit your computer support. This article is focused only on the Windows operating system, be information technology Windows XP vista windows 7, 8 10, and 11.

The computer flake is so important as it tells a lot about a figurer. A 32-bit processor can't run a 64-bit operating system, only a 32-bit operating organisation can exist installed on a 64-bit processor. But earlier nosotros go into that, we volition want to know what bit is.

What is a scrap processor?

In that location are two known types of processors bit in computing, they are known as 32-scrap and 64-bit processors.

32-bit and 64-flake may exist relevant to the size of data that a computer processor can process in a single circumvolve.
A 64-fleck computer has (an addressing) processor registers that are 64-$.25 wide. 64-scrap CPUs have been in existence since the year 1990s, they tin access 264 different addresses.

Mobile Category

A 64-scrap processor tin can come in dual-cadre, quad-core, 6-core, and eight-core versions.
As well, 64-chip CPUs take the energy of housing a random access memory (RAM) college than 4GB with ease, while the 32-bit processor won't be smart as 64-chip CPUs in handling large RAMS

On the other hand, 32-bit processors take a 32-bit address register. They are 32-chip wide and they tin can access 232 different retentiveness addresses.

A 64-bit processor tends to exist superior to that of a 32-bit processor, because it can handle more than data at in one case compared to that of 32-bit processors.
In a nutshell, 64-chip processors can run 32-bit programs with ease while 32-bit processors tin't run a 64-bit plan considering they can't do that.

For more information almost scrap processors click here

How to check if your computer is a 32-bit or 64-bit processor

Here are iii ways to verify if your computer supports 32 or 64-bit operating system

  • Checking out near PC
  • Checking arrangement summary
  • Using a software

Checking out about PC

You can confirm if your computer is 64-fleck or 32-bits by checking near PC.
Head over to explorer> this PC> right-click on your mouse> click on backdrop.
You should exist able to meet your PC information at present on your screen.

is my computer 32bit or 64bit

Checking system summary

Another style to know if your reckoner is 32-fleck or 64-fleck is to check the system summary. Movement over to your search bar, input "system information" click on information technology y'all should be able to see now if your estimator support 32-bit or 64-bit.

is my computer 32bit or 64bit
system summary

Using a software

However not sure of the information from options one and ii? This one is the final but not the least, using an awarding. You can use an application to likewise confirm if your figurer is 32-flake or 64-bit.

I do make use of the 64-bit checker software. After downloading the application, launch information technology. The information you get on your screen will determine if your computer is 32-flake or 64-bit.

64-bit checker
64-bit application checker

More clarification on how to know if your estimator is 32-fleck and 64-bit

The red circled left role in the image below indicates the scrap operating system currently installed on your PC. While the blueish circle at the right part indicated the bit which comes with your PC.

is my computer 32bit or 64bit
Bit differentiation

Equally you can see, I installed a windows 10 64-bit operating system on my computer (that's the reddish part) on the other mitt my computer is based on a 64-chip processor (that's the blue part) this means my computer fully supports 64-bit.

Hither the red part indicates 32-bits operating system, while the blue part, 64-fleck based processor. This ways you installed a 32-bit operating system on your 64-bit calculator.

In some cases where y'all simply come across 64-bit, that ways your organization is 64-scrap and you are also running a 64-bit operating system.

Anywhere you see a 32-scrap operating organization and 32-bit based processor, this means your computer only supports a 32-bits operating arrangement and the processor is 32-bit.

You can't get something like a 64-fleck operating system and 32-bit based processor considering like we said higher up, a 32-bit processor can't run a 64-bits operating system equally the plan is built for 64-bit processors.

is my computer 32-bit or 64-bit

How to upgrade a 32-scrap operating organization to a 64-bit operating system

For you to upgrade your operating system from a 32-bit to a 64-bit operating organisation y'all must exist sure of the bit your computer back up. If your computer only supports 32-bit sad you deceit upgrade, if your figurer support 64-bit then welcome to the brotherhood.

First of all, y'all will demand to download or buy your preferred operating organization and the preferred scrap from windows or whatever trusted stores. Do a consummate wipe of data and fresh installation for windows.


bit processors are important to a estimator as information technology determines how fast a computer can be. Most applications now support 64bits operating systems to ensure stability and fastness. Knowing what fleck processor is installed on your Pc is also of import.

I well-nigh had an F in a grade, because the application which I was supposed to utilize for the assessment only support 64-bit processors, it was a paid application.

I was running a 32-scrap operating system on a 64-bit based processor then, I was unable to install the awarding, I had to apply a friend'southward computer to pass the course.

Alright its time to hear from you, what flake does y'all figurer come up with, and what operating system beit are yous running?

Step-by-step process of installing windows with pen-drive or disk, coming soon.


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